Day 329 (694)

Family - The black and white of it.

I'm not sure what I want to say.  I'm not sure there are words that express how the events in our world have affected our family. We are all angered with the lack of justice shown in our country, once again.

I guess I just want to see peace and justice in our country for all our people.  But mostly for our black men to be treated with respect.  To not be provoked.  To not be accused of things they aren't guilty of.  And to receive justice when they are wronged.  

I want ALL of our young men to step up and be good fathers.  Teach their children about equality.  Teach them about tolerance.  Teach them about how hatred destroys.  Teach them how good our world can be. That it is fair and just. And to tell them they are the key.

This is what I want from all fathers of all races in our country.  But until our country treats ALL of them as equals they will not treat each other as equals.  

It can never be okay for justice to be one sided.

There is a lot more to this but this is all I will say here.  I'm not sure I spoke what was on my heart.  I'm tired of the bashing.  I've lived through enough of that personally. Its time to realize we all need to step up and have a hand in fixing what is wrong here in our country. 

Just as a side note -- I personally do not condone the violence in Ferguson.  It is unfortunate that so few can do so much damage.  I saw a comment today about how someone was embarrassed for "these people".  Are they even more embarrassed when looting and burning is done because of a team championship?  The peaceful protesters outnumbered the looters by thousands.

And before you get mad or upset about what I think of this situation remember I said there is way more to all of this.  I'm just done talking about it for today.  I understand there are many other problems but it doesn't change the fact that justice was NOT served in this case.


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