Day 135 (500)

Favorite Day of Photos

Today is the 500th day of doing a photo every day.  500 days!  I'm amazed. It's been an amazing learning process.  And such a self-discovery project.

This project has never been about getting compliments or praise (unlike what some people have expressed).  This has been about making a commitment, holding myself accountable and to have the courage to put myself out there for all to see.  With the hope of maybe making someone's day a bit brighter. 

This has been a crazy, busy week and today was no exception.  I really had hoped to get out of here to find something spectacular to photograph but I'm working on a few VERY short deadline projects (caused by my inability to say no) and just couldn't get away. 

So instead I decided to use a photo from one of my favorite days of photos.  October 20,2013 - we were on our way back from a bodybuilding competition in Milwaukee and I just kept shooting out the window. I call these "Life at 70 mph".  This was the day I KNEW passion about something I was doing.  Some of these photos actually made me sob!  (:

The above photo has a farmer working in the field.  There is also an American flag on a pole as well as a small windmill.  LOVE this photo.  


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